Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Vigil for All Nascent Human Life

On the eve of the first Sunday of Advent – Saturday evening November 27, 2010 – Pope Benedict XVI will lead a Vigil for Nascent (Unborn) Human Life at St. Peter’s in Rome, and he has asked the world’s Bishops and priests to do the same in their own dioceses and parishes.

The Sisters of Life We will be participating in the Chanting of Vespers at Vincent Ferrer Parish (Lexington between 65th and 66th Streets) at 7 p.m. with Reverend Walter Wagner, O.P.  preaching

All are welcome!

The Pope describes the... intention of the Vigil as follows: “The time of preparation for Holy Christmas is a favorable moment to invoke Divine protection over each human being called to existence, also as thanksgiving to God... for the gift of life received from our parents.”

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Handmaid's Prayer Group

All Young Adult Ladies are Welcome
to join the
Handmaid's Prayer Group
hosted by the
Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal
for an evening of
Prayer, Worship & Adoration
Friday, November 19, 2010 at 730pm
Our Lady of Guadelupe
3537 Bainbridge Ave
Bronx, NY 10467

PLEASE RSVP by Thurs. afternoon
(718) 547-9840 (leave a message)

*If you are able please bring nonperishable food, ie. can goods, dry food, etc. as a donation for the food pantry for the Christmas season. Thank you!